Bio-identical hormones are plant-based compounds specifically formulated to match the molecular structure of human hormones. Synthetics, however, are engineered not to match in order to be patented.
The pellets are manufactured according to the highest industry standards using the best quality botanical ingredients available. They are derived from a natural plant source of soy and other plant-based ingredients. Just pure, natural, biologically identical hormones — plain and simple.
FULL LIFE Therapy is a unique hormone replacement method that delivers the right kind of hormone (biologically identical), in the right amounts (based on testing and proper analysis of the results), using the right delivery system (pellets), for Breast Cancer Patients. If you’ve tried other methods of hormone replacement, you probably experienced the emotional ups and downs they can produce. Why? Because your hormones were still unbalanced, something that FULL LIFE Therapy can address. Ask any of our patients. They can’t believe the difference FULL LIFE makes — from increased energy and vitality to a renewed sense of emotional and physical well-being. And there's more good news...pellets can last from three to six months or longer!
Testosterone is a ‘male’ hormone
Testosterone causes hair loss
Testosterone may increase the risk of breast cancer
Testosterone causes aggression
FULL LIFE Therapy is a unique hormone replacement method that delivers the right kind of hormone (biologically identical), in the right amounts (based on testing and proper analysis of the results), using the right delivery system(pellets).
Thousands of women across the U.S. and internationally prefer using pellet therapy to achieve a natural, healthy balance of hormones. Our patients report that they feel fabulous again! Some of the many benefits* they report include:
Enhanced libido and/or increased sexual desire
Decreased body fat and greater capacity to get in shape
Reduced fatigue and increased energy levels
Increased mental focus, clarity, and concentration
Improved memory
Consistency in moods – reduction in feelings of anger, nervousness, and irritability
Relief from anxiety and depression
Increased sense of overall well-being
Protection from heart disease
Easy. First, schedule an appointment with your FULL LIFE provider. They will be happy to explain the process and answer any questions you might have and what to expect. On the day of your appointment, the doctor will discuss the results of your blood tests with you and prescribe the right amount of hormone for your unique needs.
Each hormone pellet is slipped painlessly under the skin, typically in the hip. A mild, local anesthetic is used and the procedure takes less than five minutes. Once the pellet is inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormone flows directly into the bloodstream whenever your body needs it. Repeat treatments involve a brief visit to a FULL LIFE office a few times per year. That’s it!